hello, i'm danielle.

I am a military wife and mom to four beautiful kiddos. I have truly found the person I was always meant to be within my children. They are my biggest influencers. Happiness to me is a cup of coffee on a rainy day.

My photography journey began when I had my first son, Seth. He grew so fast, I felt like I could blink and he would sprout two more inches. I began to document all of his moments. They meant everything to me and I never wanted to forget every detail, small and big, about him in those very moments. I haven’t slowed down any and now I have three additional lovely kiddos to document as well.

I take moments and turn them into meaningful art. Pictures aren’t meant for seeing, they’re meant to be felt. That starts with capturing the real and true moments that don’t require much direction. My eye doesn’t just capture the perfect lighting or location, it captures who you are and how you love.

Meet my family